Students from 8 New Countries join PCTE


As you walk down the pathways amidst lavish green lawns of PCTE Group of Institutes, you often tend to lose sight of the fact that you are in Punjab. There are Colombians, Haitians, Libyans, Indonesians, Syrians, Bhutanese, Africans, Timor-Leste and many multi nationality students studying on the campus… you spot them every where – near the food joints, on the benches, in the library. PCTE this year witnessed students from 8 new countries – Oman, Suriname, Haiti, Sierra Leone, Zambia, Kenya, Mali and Liberia. The diverse campus has students from 41 countries on campus each from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, offering a range of perspectives & Alumni from 8 countries.

A place, which has now seen international students for the past dozen years, the local students feel the way they learn in the class has radically changed. They have examples from all over the world to study Geopolitics, Macroeconomics, Commerce, Business Management, International Business, Tourism or Hospitality.

Dr. KNS Kang, Director General said that we at PCTE understand the importance of being global and therefore PCTE has 17 MoUs with different universities across the globe and has an active exchange program with University of Angers, France. Not only this, Ambassadors from about 28 different countries to India have visited PCTE and shared their knowledge and expertise with the students.