B.C.M. Arya Model Sr. Sec. School, Shastri Nagar organized FYISHOW


B.C.M. Arya Model Sr. Sec. School, Shastri Nagar  students of class 1 to 5 with an intent to harness the innate force of inquisitiveness in the young minds and engage them in seeking reasons behind the phenomena happening in the surroundings with different perspectives. BCM Aryans left no stone unturned to make this event a success. The very purpose behind this event was to help our students to develop 4 Cs of 21st-century skills that are, critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. The students showcased various science and mathematical experiments engulfed in a beautiful storyline giving life lessons such as Anger is heavy, Tension is universal, Articulating hands, Shake and shock, Disappearing objects, Hydroponics, The magical cycle etc.

Ms. Anuja Kaushal, school Headmistress probed every activity meticulously and motivated the students to keep the spark of curiosity ignited to reach the zenith.

Parents thanked and appreciated the teachers and the school authorities for arranging such events that inspire their children to develop the skill of questioning and seeking answers. They also shared their uncontrived clicks of the event.

Dr. Paramjit Kaur, the Principal, applauded the efforts of the students and concluded the event by saying that it is possible to fly without motors but not without knowledge and skill. Only our knowledge and skill can take us to new heights. She also thanked the parents for their collaboration in making the event a great success.