Determined Diva | Reena Aggarwal


Reena Aggarwal is a name well-established in the Home Furnishings field through her firm Home Signature. She is also the Chairperson at FICCI FLO, Ludhiana. The objective of the organization is to encourage and facilitate women to showcase their talents, skills, experiences, and energies across sectors and verticals of the economy.

Scroll down to know the making of this Determined Diva.

Host Mehak Jain interviews Reena Aggarwal, an established woman of her own making, and delves into her journey towards success and win-ship.
Series Editor: Rachita Gupta
Venue: CNI Office, Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana.

Greatest Achievement- Starting an independent business is in itself a professional achievement. Besides this, being awarded Global Achievers Award for Women Entrepreneur, and now appointed as the FICCI Chairperson of Ludhiana is a monumental achievement.

 Low point in my career- I remember being in low spirits despite my talents, before realizing that life cannot go on like this. I realized that I needed to change my perspective towards others.

Greatest Challenge in building a Career – My job includes frequent travel, and the constraint of traveling alone at odd times hinders the work. Being a woman, directing the male staff can be difficult at the job.

Defining Success: – For me, Success is looking back in the final moments of your life and possessing pride in your creations, accomplishments, and legacy. I additionally define it as living my true purpose and having a positive impact on the lives of people.




“My personal leadership approach is rooted in motivation and the zeal to live my passions”, says Aggarwal, who began Home Signatures on her own. As she recalls her journey, I realize that her story is one built around personal motivation and immense hard work.




Any Upcoming Goals?-In the short term, I want to partner up with interior design companies and retail brands to fulfill the consumer demand. The long-term plan, of course, includes going global.

Life Essentials-  My family- my kids and my parents are my support system and what keeps me going.

Message to Young Girls –Realize that the solution is inside you. Stop expecting things to happen. Find some role models. See them as a source of inspiration, but also remain your unique self.
Most importantly, start creating. Do what you love. This is the step that will make you move forward in life, will make you special.

Vision of Smart City – In my eyes, Ludhiana would become a SMART CITY when it realizes the value of cleanliness in its surroundings.

Gift Courtesy: Sharman Jain Sweets

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