SACCM Organised Marketing Challange To Start METTLE 2019


On 3rd feb, 2019, Organized a marketing challenge for All the Mettle teams. They were given a devil as per the angel devil theme of mettle 2019 to sell articles that they purchased on their own in a restricted budget of just Rs.500. The students were gathered at Jawahar nagar camp and they purchased articles to be sold from there only in given time span of 1 hr.They sold all these articles purchased in SARABHA Nagar Market in 1 hr . 4 participants including the team coordinator were to participate. All of their cash and cell phones were taken over to avoid any sort of manipulation .

The teams were judged on the basis of the no.of articles purchased by them checking their bargaining skills and Total turnover they had after selling all the articles. The teams included were: let it be X ,The 90’s rewind , Suhana Safar , Pantarbaazi. This activity gave teams experience that how a simple it is to buy stuff for personal use but how difficult it becomes if u have to sell it and also gave them a chance to showcase their marketing skills and apply their classroom learning in real life situations. All the teams were really happy, they thoroughly enjoyed and relished this experience.