Theft Occurred 2nd Time In Last 5 Years, at PAU Ex-Scientist – Dr. Arvind Saxena’s House


Past Months Attempts of Theft are increasing rapidly in the city, which have made people worried about the same. Meanwhile Mr. Saxena, Ex PAU Scientist a Resident Of Rajguru Nagar, Ludhiana Have Faced the Theft Twice in Last 5 Years.

It Happened During the Extended Gurupurab Weekend Last Week When Ex scientist along with family went to Noida for treatment of his mother. On November 21st late night it theives Entered the house from drawing room after breaking locks. They Took Away Cash & Goods Worth 10 Lakh And Next morning the neighbours noticed the happening and inform the family which made them come back from Noida in a rush.

After coming they reported the incident to the police and investigation have started by the team of police as told by ACP Talwinder Singh & SHO, Sarabha Nagar Police.

Last time in 2016 thieves when targeted his house and stole cash and Gold Worth 19 Lakh.

Police has Given Them An Assurance That Their Life Longs Earnings Will Be Recovered and Theives Will be Caught Soon as Team Of Police Is Already On Investigation with Help Of CCTV Footage