10.7 C

Various Home Remedies for Burns

Burns can take in many forms. It can be by simply getting electrocuted or get scorched by a burning paper. Burn is acquired when...

Top 5 home remedies to cure food poisoning

Here are the top five easy and quick home remedies to get instant relief from food poising: 1. Ginger: Take a tablespoon of honey with...

Why ice creams give you ‘brain freeze’ decoded

Scientists have identified what causes 'brain freeze' - a quick and intense headache felt when we consume ice creams or other such chilly...

Short in height? Here are 6 style tricks to appear taller

Are you one of those who is looking for some nice expert tips to appear taller? Then, you have definitely come to the right...

Most Important Tips That Keep You Healthy in the Monsoon Season

Tips for Staying Healthy During the Monsoon in India - If you’re fond of street food, the rainy season isn’t the time to indulge. Pollution...

Can a tattoo get me in trouble at work?

Just the other day at work, in the women's washroom, a colleague was whining about her tattoo to a friend, and to anyone who...

6 Ways To Avoid Lower Back Pain

The way that you hold your body in your daily life and during everyday tasks can have a significant impact on your risk of...

7 Indoor exercises that burn fat faster than Running!

Fast calorie burning exercises for home First of all, we need to understand that running isn’t for everyone and is definitely not the most efficient...

5 Tips That Will Help You Use Carbohydrates To Build Lean...

If you need to get big, you need to eat carbohydrates. Vastly demonized, Carbohydrates aren't really as bad as believed. Just because fat people...