25.1 C

9 French Fry Styles, Ranked

There’s no time of year that isn’t good for French fries, but summer is the best. On the boardwalk, at a county fair and...

Heart patients need to focus on fitness and exercise, not weight loss

The study revealed that people who are physically active live longer than those who are not. Sustained physical activity over time was associated with...

Coca-Cola launches first alcoholic drink in Japan

  Three new "Lemon-Do" drinks -- containing three, five and seven percent alcohol -- will be available in the southern Kyushu region of Japan ...

यो यो हनी सिंह के कमबैक सॉंग ‘दिल चोरी’ के 200 मिलियन से ज्यादा...

यो यो हनी सिंह के गानों की पूरी दुनिया दीवानी है और हर वर्ग के लोग यो यो के फैन है, यही वजह है...

ब्रेकफास्ट में सर्व करें रशियन सलाद सैंडविच

रशियन सलाद तो आपने खूब खाया होगा, लेकिन क्या आपने रशियन सलाद सैंडविच ट्राय किया है। रशियन सलाद तो आपने खूब खाया होगा, लेकिन...

Vegetable Juices: 6 Interesting Health And Beauty Benefits

Add vegetable juice to your diet to kick-start your mornings Drink vegetable juice instead of coffee, tea or just milk Vegetable juice adds...

‘Game-changing’ antibiotic can kill off superbugs

A new study, published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, offers the first proof that a new synthetic form of the antibiotic teixobactin can neutralize...

Who wouldn't like to lose weight? And who wouldn't like to lose weight the simple way? You may agree, we all do! We look...

Fenugreek Seeds: Here’s How Eating Soaked or Sprouted Methi Dana will Benefit Your Health

Highlights Soaked fenugreek seeds can also be consumed Sprouted are even better These are excellent for taming diabetes Alternative therapy can do wonders in taming...

Raveena Tandon Made Baahubali And Bhallaladeva Smile Together In 1 Pic

HIGHLIGHTS Raveena shared a selfie with the Baahubali stars  The photo got over 200 comments in a few hours 'Happy to see all of...