Heavy rainfall likely at isolated places over Northern parts of the state



Light to moderate rain likely at many places of Punjab during next 24 hours;  at a few places during subsequent 24 hours and at isolated places thereafter. Heavy rainfall likely at isolated places over Northern parts of the state during next 24 hours. Field functionaries have released an agroadvisory as light to Moderate rain likely at isolated places in the state.

Field Crops:

  1. Complete the transplanting of paddy during the period but before transplanting, treat the paddy nursery with Azorhizobium and dip the nursery in mixture for 45 mins and transplant immediately.
  2. It is optimum to transplant the nursery of Punjab Basmati 5, 4, 3 & 2 and Pusa Basmati 1121. Treat the nursery before sowing to control foot rot.
  3. Due to heavy rain, cotton may get Parawilt attack. To avoid the adverse effect, drain out excessive water from the field and sparying should be done only after weather clears up.
  4. To save the sugarcane crop from black bug, spray the crop with 350 ml of Dursban/ Lethal/ Massban/Goldban 20 EC (Chloropyriphos) in 400 litres of water per acre.
  5. Do not allow the rain water to stand in the maize crop as this crop is highly sensitive to standing water and promotes bacterial stalk rot.

Vegetables & Fruits

  1. It is optimum time to sow okra, bottle gourd, sponge gourd, bitter gourd, ash gourd and cowpea-263. Prevailing weather is favourable for development and spread of fruit rot of chilli. Farmers are advised to give 3-4 sprays of Indomil M-45 or Blitox 50 WP @ 750 g/acre at 10 days interval during clear weather.
  2. Brinjal fruit and shoot borer attack can be checked by spraying 800 ml Quinalphos or 500 ml Triazophos or 100 Fenvalerate or 200 ml Cypermethrin or 160 ml Deltamethrin in 100-125 ml of water per acre.
  3. As rainfall is expected in coming days, farmers can delay irrigation to trees bearing fruits. As rainfall is expected in coming days, farmers are advised to harvest the grapes, if ripened as early as possible. Fix fruit fly traps (16 traps per acre) in pear orchards if not fixed earlier or may be repeated if needed.