Natural Remedies to make Your Feet Healthy


Our feet get tired and pained after spending all the day in walking or standing. A feet spa can be very much soothing treatment to get rid of tiresome of feet and having beautiful and softer skin of feet. Following are few home remedies for feet spa.

Feet Spa Remedies

  • Warm water and Epsom salt can be combined to make a very good foot soaking solutions. Add warm water to a large bowl or foot basin and mix 1 cup of Epsom salt in this water. Mix well and let your feet soak in this solution for 25 minutes. Keep rubbing and massaging your feet using your fingertips. This will be very soothing for your feet. Warm water will remove all the dirt and dust from feet and Epsom salt will provide soothe to the tiresome of feet. Doing this remedy on a daily basis can let you have beautiful and relaxed feet.
  • Water and apple cider foot soak is another good treatment as foot spa. Just add ample amount of apple cider vinegar to warm water and mix well. Soak your feet in this water solution for 25 minutes. Use pumice stone to remove dead skin of feet. Rinse well with fresh water and apply good hand and body lotion for moist of feet.