4 ways lotus stem or kamal kakdi can help you lose weight and keep it off!


If you have been trying to lose weight, you already know the fundamental keys to shedding the pounds – eating clean and healthy, and exercising regularly. A healthy diet and regular exercise are linked with various health benefits, like putting off the risk and onset of diabetes, improving heart health, reducing stress and others. However, when one says “clean and healthy eating”, the phrase is pretty vague, and beginners of the weight loss journey have trouble understanding it.

It is also important to note that people who follow a healthy and clean diet may not know certain foods that can help in the process of weight loss because of their special characteristics. One such food is the lotus stem, a popular part of the plant consumed around the world. Here is how it can help in your quest for weight loss.

Boosts digestion

Lotus stem, or what is known as kamal kakdi in Hindi, helps improve digestion and tackle the problem of constipation, which is a very important factor for weight loss. Lotus stem is rich in dietary fibre, which aids the process of digestion.

Helps feel satiated

The dietary fibre in lotus stem can help people feel satiated and fuller for longer, thereby keeping people from eating too often and too much. A controlled diet in terms of portions is very important to lose weight, and dietary fibre helps you achieve just that.

Fewer calories

Lotus stem contains very few calories and therefore makes for a perfect food for weight loss. Per 100 g, lotus stem contains only about 66 calories, which is very low for the nutrition it offers.

Prevents water retention

Water retention or bloating is one common factor for belly fat. Lotus stem helps reduce water retention, and also helps in preventing the problem altogether.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.