CICU Demands Completion of NHAI Projects & issue related to Ground Water to be Resolved


S. Upkar Singh Ahuja, President and Sh. Pankaj Sharma, General Secretary, CICU met Sh. Pardeep Kumar Aggarwal, IAS, Deputy Commissioner Ludhiana to discuss various issues like, Ground Water Clearance, Speedup the works of the roads, Bridges, Alternative Roads to G.T Road etc.

Sh. Upkar Singh Ahuja, President, CICU said that there are various notice issued time to time by Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) on drowning of water. CICU has represented many times to NGT & CGWA about that and requested to Sh. Pardeep Kumar Aggarwal, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Ludhiana to form a committee to resolve the issue as No. of units are received notice from CGWA regarding closure of Borewell.

Sh. Pankaj Sharma, General Secretary, CICU said that during closure of Jagraon Bridge and Gill Road Bridge, there is too much of congestion on roads. So to avoid such inconvenience for commuters a plan should be make for new alternate routes which will ease congestion on the roads. There is also an urgent need to construct new roads connecting GT Road to Link Roads.

He further said that the road leading from Pawa to Southeren Bypass may be developed which will ease out traffic congestion on G.T road.

He also requested the D.C to ensure that the roads and bridges on NHAI should be completed on priority. Due to delay in completion of overbride near Apolo Hospital, the commuters have to face a lot of inconvenience. That stretch should be completed on top priority.

The roads of Focal Point should be repaired on Top priority as it causes lot of inconvenience and accidents. The Sewerage Lines of focal point is in very bad shape. There is no system of regular cleaning and maintenance of the Lines. These should be cleaned on regular intervals especially before rainy season.

Sh. Pardeep Kumar Aggarwal, IAS, Deputy Commissioner Ludhiana assured to CICU delegation that, all the matters will be discuss with concerned Authorities on priority basis.