CT University organizes farm safari for regional farmers


Ludhiana, March 18, 2019: To provide an exposure to farmers about scientific farming, CT University
(CTU) held an exclusive ‘Farm Safari’ on its campus. A group of regional farmers led by Er Joginder Kalsi,
a social worker and Canada-based documentary producer visited the University.
Er Kalsi, expressed that the need of the hour is ecologic farming for which farmers need to be provided
exposure to relevant scientific methods especially for rational use of natural resources and dealing with
the risks of climatic change. He added that the state-of-the art infrastructure developed by CTU is
CTU Chancellor, Charanjit Singh Channi welcoming the group, expressed his gratitude to farmers for
visiting and sharing their experiences and specific queries with experts.
The farmers saw the campus in an open safari van and elaborated about various courses being run by
CTU. The highlights of the visit were awareness about scientific farming, guided visit to the farm,
interaction with experts, technical guidance to farmers and a question–answer session. The farmers
were shown round the recently developed ‘crop demonstration farm’, where the focus is being given on
organic farming of high-value crops. The crops rich in health-benefitting traits were shown to them. New
methods of growing crops vis-a-vis conserving natural resources were also explained.
Managing Director Manbir Singh said that the University will continue organizing student-farmer
interfaces in future and will also send students to the fields of progressive growers to provide them with
practical learning experience.
Dr Yogeeta Thakur, Head of School of Agriculture and Natural Sciences and Dr. Jagtar Dhiman, Registrar
were also present during the visit.