Devki Devi Jain Memorial College for Women organized an industrial visit to “CS Soft Solutions” and “TechnoSpecs Technologies Pvt. Ltd.” in Mohali


The department of Computer Science of Devki Devi Jain Memorial College for Women organized an industrial visit to “CS Soft Solutions” and “TechnoSpecs Technologies Pvt. Ltd.” in Mohali. The students of BCA and M.Sc. IT visited the companies and attended seminars and career counselling sessions on Android and IOS development, Java, PHP, .Net and Computer networking. The Head of Department, Mr. Hitesh Ahuja, accompanied the students and guided them in the process. The experts of the particular fields in the companies made the students aware about the latest trends and technologies used by the professionals in the industry. They also provided live demonstrations of servers and various hardware and the working environment in the company. The sessions were knowledgeable and career oriented. The students appreciated the efforts made by the college and it would prove to be fruitful for students in future for choosing their career options. Mr. Hitesh Ahuja, the head of department, extended a vote of thanks to Sh. Sukhdev Raj Jain, Chairman of the College Managing Committee, Sh. Nand Kumar Jain, President,Sh. Rajiv Jain, Secretary, Sh. Dharam Kirti Jain, Manager, and Dr.(Mrs.) Sarita Bahl, Principal for their co-operation and encouragement for this visit.