Ludhiana showcases the Importance of Exercise and Healthy snacking, with Almonds


November 14, 2017, Ludhiana : Almonds – commonly known as the king of nuts are not only versatile, crunchy and delicious but also offer natural goodness in every bite. They contain many essential nutrients, including protein and healthy fats, making them a nutrient-rich and convenient snack that can help keep you going throughout the day. Popular Head Chef Neeraj, Hyatt Regency Ludhiana and renowned Nutritionist Simrat Kathuria conducted a live cooking demonstration and a presentation on learnings from various nutrition studies on the health benefits of almonds. The interactive session also included a live demonstration by respected Fitness Expert, Vikas Rawat, Hyatt Regency Ludhiana who spoke about the importance of following a regular exercise regime in addition to a healthy diet including almonds.

Through the session, Chef Neeraj demonstrated a few delicious and healthy snacking recipes which are also easy and quick to make.  This was followed by a workout session led by Fitness Expert, Vikas Rawat, Hyatt Regency Ludhiana who showcased some basic exercises that can be easily done at home and, shared his views on incorporating small changes, like eating a handful of almonds every day and working out regularly, to help maintain a healthy life. Following the fitness session, Nutritionist Simrat Kathuria took to the stage to talk about the various health and nutritional benefits of eating almonds. She spoke about almonds’ anti-oxidant qualities (being rich in vitamin E), role in satiety, weight[i] and diabetes[ii] management and maintaining a healthy heart[iii] as demonstrated by decades of published research.

Nutritonist Simrat Kathuria said, “The increasing incidence of heart disease, obesity and other lifestyle-related issues calls for continuous focus on a healthy diet in today’s fast paced life. One simple step towards healthier eating is by incorporating healthy snacks like almonds in your daily diet. A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that a daily snack of 42 grams of almonds, consumed as part of an overall healthy diet, improved a number of risk factors for heart disease. In addition to significantly improving Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL/bad) cholesterol, snacking on almonds also reduced central adiposity (belly fat) and waist circumference, all well-established heart disease risk factors[iv].”

Chef Neeraj , prepared simple yet delicious almond snack recipes in a matter of minutes, added, “Eating healthy does not mean you have to give up eating snacks. Smart snacking is the key! A handful of almonds, for instance, may have satiating properties that promote feelings of fullness, which may keep hunger at bay between meals[v] and steer you away from less healthy options. They are an ideal ‘smart snack’!”

“Owing to our extremely busy lifestyle, exercise of any kind may take a back-seat for many people. However, not taking care of one’s health and fitness may lead to sedentary lifestyle related ailments. Hence, in addition to eating a balanced diet, it is imperative to do some type of exercise every day. You do not have to hit the gym, go for a run or walk but even simple exercises at home done right every day,

[i] Tan YT, Mattes RD. Appetitive, dietary and health effects of almonds consumed with meals or as snacks: a randomised, controlled trial. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 67(11):1205-14.

Hull S, Re R, Chambers L, Echaniz A, Wickham SJ. A mid-morning snack generates satiety and appropriate adjustment of subsequent food intake in healthy women. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2014; DOI 10.1007/s00394-014-0759-z

Cassady, B.A., J.H. Hollis, A.D. Fulford, R.V. Considine, R.D. Mattes. 2009. Mastication of almonds: effects of lipid bioaccessibility, appetite, and hormone response. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 89:794-800

Mori AM, Considine RV, Mattes, RD. 2011. Acute and second-meal effects of almond form in impaired glucose tolerant adults: a randomized crossover trial.  Nutr Metab. 2011 Jan 28;8(1):6

Tan YT, Mattes RD. Appetitive, dietary and health effects of almonds consumed with meals or as snacks: a randomised, controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr 2013; 67:1205-14


[ii] Li, S.-C., Y.-H. Liu, W.-H. Chang, C.-M. Chen, C.-Y. O. Chen, J.-F. Liu. Almond consumption improved glycemic control and lipid profiles in patients with type 2 diabetes. Metabolism 2011; 60(4): 474-9

[iii] Nishi S, Kendall CW, Gascoyne AM, et al. Effect of almond consumption on the serum fatty acid profile: a dose response study. British Journal of Nutrition 2014 ;112(7):1137-46.

[iv] Berryman CE, West SG, Fleming JA, Bordi PL, Kris-Etherton PM. Effects of Daily Almond Consumption on Cardiometabolic Risk and Abdominal Adiposity in Healthy Adults with Elevated LDL-Cholesterol: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of the American Heart Association 2015; 4:e000993 DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.114.000993. – See more at:

[v] Hull S, Re R, Chambers L, Echaniz A, Wickham SJ. A mid-morning snack generates satiety and appropriate adjustment of subsequent food intake in healthy women. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2014; DOI 10.1007/s00394-014-0759-z.

Cassady, B.A., J.H. Hollis, A.D. Fulford, R.V. Considine, R.D. Mattes. 2009. Mastication of almonds: effects of lipid bioaccessibility, appetite, and hormone response. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 89:794-800.

Mori AM, Considine RV, Mattes, RD. 2011. Acute and second-meal effects of almond form in impaired glucose tolerant adults: a randomized crossover trial.  Nutr Metab. 2011 Jan 28;8(1):6.

Tan YT, Mattes RD. Appetitive, dietary and health effects of almonds consumed with meals or as snacks: a randomised, controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr 2013; 67:1205-14

can go a long way. Regular exercise plus healthy eating including snacking on fruits and nuts like almonds will make a healthy difference to your life”, said Fitness Expert, Vikas Rawat, Hyatt Regency Ludhiana, who concluded the live demonstrations with a 15-minute exercise session.


Follow a regular workout plan, eat balance eat meals and, snack smart with almonds to start leading a healthier life.


Recipes showcased at the live cooking demonstration:


  1. Kaala Masala Almonds

Serves: 2


Ingredient Qty
Almonds 60 g
Salt To taste
Olive oil 5 ml
Cinnamon powder 1 tsp
Nutmeg powder ½ tsp





  • Toss the almonds with the spices and olive oil, sea salt and toasted in a pan or 7 minutes in a moderate oven.


Nutrient Analysis Per Serving:

Calories 228.45kcal Protein 6.45g
Total fat 22.5g Saturated 0.45g
Monounsaturated 11.4g Polyunsaturated 3.9g
Carbohydrates 6.45g Fibre 6g
Cholesterol Sodium 273.9mg
Calcium 72.9mg Magnesium 116.4mg
Potassium 12.9mg Vitamin E 9mg



  1. Haldi Mirchi Badam


Serves: 2

Ingredients Qty
Blanched & Peeled Almonds 60g
Oil 1 tbsp
Turmeric powder ½ tsp
Black pepper 1/2 tsp
Red chilli powder ½ tsp
Salt 1/3 tsp
Amchoor powder ½ tsp



  • Heat oil and add all the spices and seasonings.
  • Add the almonds.
  • Toss well. Cool and serve


Nutrient Analysis per Serving:

Calories 280.5kcal Protein 6.9g
Total fat 27.45g Saturated 1.5g
Monounsaturated 15.45g Polyunsaturated 4.95g
Carbohydrates 9g Fibre 0.9g
Cholesterol Sodium 283.5mg
Calcium 82.5mg Magnesium 120mg
Potassium 24.45mg Vitamin E 9.9mg


About the Almond Board of California:

Almonds from California are a natural, wholesome and quality food. The Almond Board of California promotes almonds through its research-based approach to all aspects of marketing, farming and production on behalf of the more than 6,800 almond growers and processors in California, many of which are multi-generational family operations. Established in 1950 and based in Modesto, California, the Almond Board of California is a non-profit organization that administers a grower-enacted Federal Marketing Order under the supervision of the United States Department of Agriculture. For more information on the Almond Board of California or almonds, visit