PCTE Group of Institutes celebrates World Theatre Day


Ludhiana, 27th March 2018: PCTE Group of Institutes celebrated World Theatre Day by organizing Nukkad Natak which is also known as Street theatre and is a form of theatrical performance and is presented outdoor in public spaces, wherein the students of PCTE performed few acts to enlighten some issues that the society is facing, around 20 participants portrayed the situations in both the campuses through their act which the society should look upon.

The students of Pharmacy  First Year showcased the problem of Unhygienic situation that our society is facing reason being people now a days are throwing garbage everywhere and they also presented the precautions that  we should be taking to stop the level of unhygine in our society, where by another act was presented by the  students of BCA 2nd Year in which they showcased the situation of people who have some Metal issues and how the society makes things more difficult for them by reacting  upon their mental health this act touched the emotional damages  which the people face because of their mental health and they also tried to portray how can we help them to overcome this situation .

Ayswariay Roy a student from BCA said “Theatre is a language in which we do not need any qualification whereby it’s an art of expressing things, in our Nukkad Natak we wanted to show that people who face mental illness cannot be cured by medicines or by isolating them, but they actually require love and care from the society”. Radhe a student of B Pharmacy 1st Year said “we wanted to emphasize about the improvement that should be made in the hygine level by keeping our surroundings clean and not to throw garbage everywhere”.

Swapan Chanana, Unit Head said that Theatre is an art which includes singing, dancing and acting and at PCTE we give our students the opportunity and encourage them to participate in such events, he added by saying the entire team of  Theatre Club had put a lot of efforts to organize these events.

Dr. K.N.S Kang, Director General, PCTE Group of Institutes congratulated the performers on the occasion and appreciated the zeal, enthusiasm and spirit of art which the students’ showed during their performance. Kang added that these events help students to understand and experience true values of life and must be organized on regular basis.