Punjabi Chamber of Commerce Holds Meet and Greet


PUNJABI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (PCC) is a nonprofit Organization which was established in the year 2017 & has its Headquarter in New Jersey. It has many Chapters in prominent Cities of USA, UK, Canada, Middle East and India. I India, PCC has its Chapters at New Delhi, Chandigarh, Jalandhar, Mumbai and Amritsar.

PCC envisions facilitating Global and Local Business Communities with a Network Forum where in they can build new connections, access Informative Mentorship & Advocacy programs and ultimately contribute to Overall Business Development.

Ludhiana Chapter had its first Meet ‘n’ Greet Event yesterday. A complete action plan for activities of the chapter was chalked outthe year 2022.

Mr. Jatinder Pal Singh, CO-CHAIR PCC LUDHIANA CHAPTER conveyed that activities to be done next year will include;Opening a Skill Development Centre, Conducting Training Programs/ Seminars, working on advocacy on Policy Matters at Local, State & Central Government Level and Increasing Forest Cover of Punjab through Micro Forests & Tree Plantation.

Mr. S. B. Singh , GLOBAL EXECUTIVE MEMBER PCC said, brain drain happening in Punjab is amatter of great concern and PCC while working for the benefit of business community in Punjab, shall focus on creating avenues of entrepreneurship for Punjabi Youth so that they don’t have to go abroad in search of greener pastures.

Meeting was attended by Mr. Jatinder Pal Singh, Mr. S.B. Singh, Mr. Ajaydeep Singh, Mr. Rattan Chanjotra, Mr. KuljeetSethi, Mr. Ravi Chopra, Mr. Saranjit Singh, Mr. Nitish Kumar, Mr. Roopinder Singh, Mr. Jasjaap Singh and other members PCC Ludhiana chapter.

Mr. Ajaydeep Singh, Co-Chair PCC Ludhianawhile thanking all the members for making “MEET & GREET”a successful event termed this as a great beginning for a wonderful future of Ludhiana.