PVT School Puts Stamp On Boys Arm : Fee Reminder


A private school in Ludhiana put a stamp on student’s arm as a reminder for getting fees from his parents on Friday. The district education officer has taken note of the incident and ordered an inquiry.

The incident is of Punjab School Education Board-affiliated SDN School which is situated in Mundian Kalan area of Ludhiana. The school authorities did not deem it fit to use a piece of paper of the purpose as Harshdeep, a student of class 7, wasn’t carrying his bag as he appeared for the examination. His parents were unable to pay his monthly fee of Rs 760 for the last two months. Also, they failed to clear Rs 6,000 dues of their daughter who did her matriculation form the school this year.

Harshdeep said, “In view of the examinations, I did not carry my bag. Instead of writing on the question paper or any other piece of paper, the principal put a fee reminder stamp on my left arm.”

Harshdeep’s father Kuldeep Singh, who is an auto-rickshaw driver, said, “This is an


embarrassing moment for us. I earn Rs 300 on a daily basis and my elder brother also works and gets his salary on 25th of every month. We’ve already told the school that we’ll clear the dues on May 25. The delay in the fee deposit of my daughter was because of lack of money. But it doesn’t mean they should harass my child.”

However, the school Principal Shamma Duggal said, “I told the boy to show this to his parents. This stamp mark can be removed easily, but his parents misbehaved with me for doing this. We had sent several reminders to clear the dues, but to no avail.”

“This is complete harassment. A school cannot do this to any student. An inquiry will be marked and we will take sheer action against the school,” said District Education Officer, Swaranjit Kaur.