Railways Land Becomes Dumping Ground for Garbage


The land near the railway tracks in different areas of Ludhiana has turned into a dumping ground for garbage by nearby residents. The local residents continue to dump garbage on the properties owned by the Railways, along the railway tracks.
Though the Railway authorities have put up boards at various places warning people not to dump garbage, these have failed to deter the uncaring people . Though dumping such garbage on land owned by the Railways is an offence, the people continue to throw garbage without any fear, unchecked and uncontrolled by authorities’ prohibitory orders.

According to sources, it is people who reside in nearby areas of railway tracks who dump garbage in the land belonging to the Railways. Besides this, roadside vendors and even sweepers of the Municipal Corporation also dump garbage collected by them from various areas along railway tracks.
As a result, heaps of garbage can be spotted in the properties belonging to the Railways. The dumping of garbage near railway tracks also attracts stray animals and these animals sometimes lead to dangerous accidents.