A delegation of CICU Welcomed and Presented Memorandum to Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Chief Engg. PSPCL, Ludhiana at his office.


The delegation comprising Sh. Upkar Singh Ahuja, President, Sh. Pankaj Sharma, General Secretary, CICU, Sh Rahul Ahuja, and others welcomed Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, on joining as Chief Engineer PSPCL Ludhiana.


Sh. Upkar Singh Ahuja, President, CICU raised various issues regarding freequent Power cuts in Indutrial areas especiallt Focal Points. He also said that the industry should be informed well in advance about maintenace of Transformers and Feeders as it will help them to plan their working.


Sh. Pankaj Sharma, General Secretary, CICU emphasized that some Power lines which are spread badly due to long routes should be streamlined as it will help to minimise breakdowns. He also said that the Industrialists are not receiving electricity bills on time due to which they face lot of harrasement as PSPCL staff cuts their Connection due to non payment of Bill. The weekly off day which is still prevelant should be done away with and only Sundays should be made weekly off day. He also stressed the need to have a proper Plan to do preventive maintenance of all Feeders.


Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Chief Engg. PSPCL, Ludhiana thanked all the CICU delegates and assured them that he will look into all the problems and shall soon resolve all such issues.