A PEDDLE for Change – Pedalling way to greener city !!


A report released by World Health Organisation ‘Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018’ reveals “1.35 million road traffic deaths occur in the world every year, 54% of which are pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists”. Ludhiana first came on the list of smart cities in 2016 and still, there is no Lane for Bicycles. In order to tackle the problem, the first step was knowing that a problem existed and action begins with awareness and ready resources.

The hub members under the leadership of the Founding Curator Reetika Madaan, along with the support of partner organisation Smart Citizens of Ludhiana, founded by Mr. Sumit Sharma, and local government officials initiated this on-ground project to demand better infrastructure for cyclists in Ludhiana. We organised massive cycle rallies involving over 100+ youth and senior citizens of Ludhiana, which sensitised the people to be more aware and cautious of what city and future needs. The drive not only encouraged more citizens to use a cycle for commuting but also made them aware of demanding the right things from authorities.

Project goals 

    1. To lay down the foundation for a sustainable future, yet keeping health and safety a top priority for the city.
    2. To persuade the local government to include the cycle track as a part of the smart city proposal.
    3. To study transportation characteristics like slow and fast-moving vehicles in the city so as to have a better idea while proposing the map for a cycle track


    1. 120 paddlers joined the project over 2 weekends to cover various stretches that were proposed under cycle track
    2. The campaign reached over 8,000+ views collaboratively using social media platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp
    3. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the project had over 50 young and vibrant women paddlers who joined us spreading the impact

      A proposed plan is under process with the local administration which includes a map for the cycle track and a pilot study is in the process including parameters like air pollution, injuries, and fatalities that show a positive change in health and environment if the track is approved