Association of Focal Point Inds met CMD PSPCL


Association of Focal Point Inds met CMD PSPCL Mr Baldev Singh Sran and discussed several problems being faced by Industry, especially unscheduled Power Cuts.
It was brought to his notice that Several Units have deposited full amount for extension of Elec Load but due to lack of capacity at Grids, neither Demand Notice has been issued nor any Power Line has been laid causing too much of inconvenience to the Cinsumers.
CMD assured to provide more manpower for Preventive maintenance and regular repair of the Transformers and Line and check frequent tripping.
CMD also assured to expedite installation of 5 more 220 KVA substations in Central Zone.
Attended By: Pankaj Sharma President, Sanjay Gupta Finance Sec, Vineet Gupta Joint Sec, Bhushan Gupta VP, Anil Sachdeva S VP, Kishore Ladia Executive member.